
科技工作者之家 2018-09-03


  为更好地实现口腔修复体的美学修复效果,采用掺杂不同含量Fe2O3 (0.01~0.09wt%) 和Al2O3 (0.1wt%) 的3mol% Y2O3稳定的ZrO2 (3Y-TZP) 粉体为原料,经过铺粉、压制、烧结等工艺制得的色度渐变的多层陶瓷结构Al2O3-Fe2O3/3Y-TZP梯度复合陶瓷。实验对该梯度复合陶瓷的色度分布、烧结性能和力学性能进行检测,同时研究了Fe2O3Al2O3的掺杂对3Y-TZP陶瓷组织和性能的影响。结果表明,制得的Al2O3-Fe2O3/3Y-TZP色度由红黄向白色沿成分变化方向呈梯度变化,与天然牙齿色度分布规律一致;力学性能呈梯度变化并从无色端到有色端逐渐降低,但仍满足牙科使用需求(≥ 800MPa);在无色瓷层中掺杂微量Al2O3 (0.1 wt%)可以改善Al2O3-Fe2O3/3Y-TZP的烧结性能,避免在预烧结过程中发生开裂。微量Fe2O3Al2O3的掺杂会促进其在烧结过程中的致密化及晶粒的长大;微量Fe2O3 (0.01wt%) 和Al2O3 (0.1 wt%) 的掺杂有助于提高3Y-TZP陶瓷的挠曲强度,然而随着Fe2O3掺杂量的继续增多 (≤ 0.09 wt%) 挠曲强度降低。


Abstract: In order to achieve a better close shade of artificial restoration match with natural dentition, a color-gradient 3mol% yttria-stabilized-ZrO2 (3Y-TZP) ceramics for dental restoration was prepared by forming and sintering process with powders of Fe2O3 (0.01~0.09wt%)-Al2O3 (0.1wt%)/3Y-TZP as raw materials. Their colorimetric characterization, sintering performance, and mechanical properties were tested, and the effect of Fe2O3 and Al2O3 on 3Y-TZP ceramics was studied. The results show that the color of the gradient Al2O3-Fe2O3/3Y-TZP changing from saffron yellow to white gradually, which matches with the natural dentition. In addition, the doping of trace Al2O3 (0.1wt%) on uncolored porcelain layer can avoid the cracking between porcelain layers during the presintering process. The flexural strength changes of gradient and can meet the need of dental restoration (≥ 800MPa). The doping of trace Fe2O3 (0.01wt%) and Al2O3 (0.1wt%) can improve the densification and grain growth during the sintering process. And the doping of trace Fe2O3 (0.01wt%) and Al2O3 (0.1wt%) in 3Y-TZP can increase the flexural strength. However, the flexural strength decreases when more Fe2O3 is doped (≤ 0.09wt%) in 3Y-TZP.

Keywords: gradient composite ceramics; multilayer ceramic structure; Y-TZP;  Fe2O3; Al2O3; dental prosthetic material

作者:李皓鹏等,四川大学 制造科学与工程学院,成都

通讯作者:李宁四川大学 制造科学与工程学院,成都


来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会





微软 性能 陶瓷 掺杂 梯度 色度 烧结 修复体 微量 粉体
