
科技工作者之家 2018-09-03


  为了研究玻璃纤维网格布在混凝土板中的双向受力性能及钢纤维和纤维网格布混杂使用的增强效果,进行了耐碱试验和双向板受弯试验。探究了钢纤维和玻璃纤维网格布混杂替代传统钢筋网的可行性。结果表明,与中碱玻璃纤维相比,耐碱玻璃纤维的耐腐蚀性能更优越;掺入耐碱玻璃纤维网格布后,混凝土板的极限承载力提高了59%;钢纤维和玻璃纤维网格布的混杂使用表现出较好的正混杂效应,混凝土板的极限承载力和弯曲韧性明显提高,板的破坏形态由脆性破坏转变为延性破坏;可考虑用30 kg/m3钢纤维掺量的混杂钢纤维和耐碱玻璃纤维网格布增强混凝土板代替配筋率为0.2%的钢筋混凝土板。


Abstract: In order to investigate the biaxial flexural properties of glass fiber meshes in concrete slabs and the reinforcing effects of hybrid use of steel fiber and fiber mesh, the alkali resistance test and two-way slab bending test were carried out. The possible replacement of conventional steel mesh by composed use of glass fiber mesh and steel fibers has been investigated. The results showed that the corrosion resistance of the AR glass fiber is better than that of the C-glass fiber. Ultimate load of concrete slabs can be improved 59% with addition of AR glass fiber mesh. Hybrid use of steel fiber and glass fiber mesh shows significant positive synthetic effect, and ultimate load and toughness of concrete slabs can be improved significantly, and failure mode of the concrete slabs changes from brittle pattern into a ductile one. The conventional steel mesh with constructive steel ratio (0.2%) can be replaced by the hybrid use of AR glass fiber mesh and steel fibers with fiber content of 30 kg/m 3.

Keywords: glass fiber meshes; alkaline resistance; steel fiber; two-way slabs; flexural behavior

作者:丁一宁等,大连理工大学 海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室,大连

通讯作者:丁一宁,大连理工大学 海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室,大连


来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会





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