
科技工作者之家 2021-09-28

    “Eradicating Polio:What more Is Needed?


    FREE LIVE WEBINAR免费直播网络研讨会Tue, 12 October, 2021 | 10:00 – 11:00 (CEST) 2021年10月12日,星期二,10:00-11:00(中欧夏令时间)Participation is FREE, but registration is mandatory.Save Your Spot: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/eradicating-polio-what-more-is-needed-tickets-175236556257免费参会,但需注册。

    请点击以下网址注册: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/eradicating-polio-what-more-is-needed-tickets-175236556257 Polio cases have fallen 99.9% since 1988. In 2020Africa was certified polio free by the World Health Organization. However,polio will remain a key public health concern until such time as there are nowild polio cases. Last year there were over a hundred cases. Untilmid-September 2021 there were just two wild polio cases recorded, one inPakistan and the other in Afghanistan. In June 2021 the Global PolioEradication Initiative (GPEI) launched the Polio Eradication Strategy2022-2026: Delivering on a Promise to overcome the remaining barriers to endingpolio, including the delay caused by COVID-19. During the webinar, ourprominent speakers will discuss the barriers, challenges and leverages to reachevery child and eradicate polio globally. 1988年以来,脊髓灰质炎病例已减少了99.9%。







     Confirmed Speakers:Dr. Michel Zaffran, Past Director of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative at WHO.K.R. Ravindran, Former President and Chair of COVID-19 Taskforce at Rotary International.Chair:Dr. Michael Moore AM, Past President of the World Federation of Public Health Associations.讲者:Dr. Michel Zaffran, 世界卫生组织全球根除脊髓灰质炎行动前任主任K.R. Ravindran, 扶轮国际新冠肺炎特别工作组前任主席主席:Dr. Michael Moore AM, 世界公共卫生联盟前任主席 This webinar is part of the InternationalImmunization Policy Task Force activities lead by the WFPHA.Please follow the link for information on the Task Force: https://www.wfpha.org/immunization-taskforce/本次网络研讨会是世界公共卫生联盟国际免疫政策特别工作组活动之一。


来源:cpma_wpt 中华预防医学会微平台



