Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining

ISSN: 2560-3159(Online)1450-5959(Print)
语种: SR,EN
出版商: University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty Bor
学科: Geology

Tasić Ž.Z. ,Bogdanović G.D. ,Antonijević M.M.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2019;55(1):67-79

Laxmi T. ,Rao Bhima R.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2014;50(1):37-46 DOI 10.5937/JMMA1401037L

Yarahmadi R. ,Bagherpour R. ,Khademian A. ,Mirzaie H. ,Kakaie R.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2015;51(1):41-49 DOI 10.5937/JMMA1501041Y

Popović G. ,Stanujkić D. ,Karabašević D. ,Štirbanović Z.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2020;56(1):59-71

Chanturiya V.A. ,Morozov V.V. ,Dvoichenkova G.P. ,Chanturiya E.L.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2023;59(1):49-60 DOI 10.5937/JMMA2301049C

Do Nascimento Pereira Henrique P. ,Cury Marques C. ,de Campos Anastacio A. ,Pointer Malpass Roger G. ,Alves Roberto E.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2022;58(1):1-20 DOI 10.5937/JMMA2201001H

Dvoichenkova G.P. ,Morozov V.V. ,Kovalenko E.G. ,Podkamenny Y.A.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2021;57(1):19-26 DOI 10.5937/JMMA2101019D

Pandey P.K. ,Raina A.K. ,Deshmukh S. ,Trivedi R. ,Vajre R. ,Murthy V.M.S.R.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2020;56(1):1-14

Vasumathi N. ,Kumar Vijaya T.V. ,Nayak B. ,Rao Subba S. ,Prabhakar S. ,Raju Bhaskar G.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2014;50(1):9-17 DOI 10.5937/JMMA1401009V

Alevizos G. ,Stratakis A. ,Petrakis E. ,Tselempis R. ,Apostolikas A.

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A: Mining 2018;54(1):35-48
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