亚热带生态所在Plant and Soil杂志发表专刊

科技工作者之家 2019-11-27

  近日,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究员吴金水领衔的“农业生态过程”研究团队在农林科学期刊Plant and Soil上组织的Element biogeochemistry processes and their implications for rice productivity in paddy soil专刊由Springer在线发表。专刊由亚热带生态所研究员葛体达组织,西南大学教授何新华、浙江大学副教授罗煜作为客座编辑共同完成。葛体达为此专刊撰写了题为Quantitative and mechanistic insights into the key process in the rhizodeposited carbon stabilization, transformation and utilization of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in paddy soil 的评述文章。该团队的1篇论文筛选为此专刊的封面论文(如图)。




  1)Tida Ge, Yu Luo, Xinhua He. Quantitative and mechanistic insights into the key process in the rhizodeposited carbon stabilization, transformation and utilization of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in paddy soil. Plant and Soil. 2019, DOI.org/10.1007/s11104-019-04347-9

  2)Huadong Zang, Mouliang Xiao, Yidong Wang, Ning Ling, Jinshui Wu, Tida Ge, Yakov Kuzyakov. Allocation of assimilated carbon in paddies depending on rice age, chase period and N fertilization: Experiment with 13CO2 labelling and literature synthesis. Plant and Soil. 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-019-03995-1

  3)Mouliang Xiao, Huadong Zang, Shoulong Liu, Rongzhong Ye, Zhenke Zhu, Yirong Su, Jinshui Wu, Tida Ge. Nitrogen fertilization alters the distribution and fates of photosynthesized carbon in rice–soil systems: A 13C-CO2 pulse labeling study. Plant and Soil. 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-019-04030-z

  4)Ziwei Zhao, Tida Ge, Anna Gunina, Yuhong Li, Zhenke Zhu, Peiqin Peng, Jinshui Wu, Yakov Kuzyakov. Carbon and nitrogen availability in paddy soil affects rice photosynthate allocation, microbial community composition, and priming: combining continuous 13C labeling with PLFA analysis. Plant and Soil. 2018, DOI : 10.1007/s11104-018-3873-5

  5)Xiaomeng Wei, Tida Ge, Zhenke Zhu, Yajun Hu, Shoulong Liu, Yong Li, Jinshui Wu, Bahar S. Razavi. Expansion of rice enzymatic rhizosphere: temporal dynamics in response to phosphorus and cellulose application. Plant and Soil. 2018, DOI : 10.1007/s11104-018-03902-0

  6)Cornelius Talade Atere, Tida Ge, Zhenke Zhu, Shoulong Liu, Xizhi Huang, Olga Shibsitova, Georg Guggenberger, Jinshui Wu. Assimilate allocation by rice and carbon stabilisation in soil: effect of water management and phosphorus fertilization. Plant and Soil. 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-018-03905-x

  7)Yu Luo, Zhenke Zhu, Shoulong Liu, Peiqin Peng, Jianming Xu, Philip Brookes, Tida Ge, Jinshui Wu, Nitrogen fertilization increases rice rhizodeposition and its stabilization in soil aggregates and the humus fraction. Plant and Soil. 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3833-0.
