IEEE PEAC'2018 精彩抢先看 | 专题讲座介绍(五)

科技工作者之家 2018-09-28

往期精选:第二届国际电力电子技术与应用会议暨展示会 (IEEE PEAC 2018)报名通知

IEEE PEAC 2018 简介

2018国际电力电子技术及应用会议暨展示会(2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition,简称:IEEE PEAC 2018)将于2018年11月4-7日在深圳召开,会议将通过特邀大会报告、专题讲座、技术报告、工业报告、墙报、新产品展示等形式,汇聚国际一流的电力电子学术、研发和产业界人士,就国际最新学术和技术问题进行专题研讨和交流。会议录用来自31个国家和地区的论文超过500篇,预计参会规模650人以上


会议内容丰富、环节紧密,为使参会者对会议有详细的了解,我们将对于会议的各个环节陆续进行介绍。本期介绍内容为:专题讲座-Electrical Power Conversion Systems for Marine applications: present state and future trends。



Electrical Power Conversion Systems for Marine applications: present state and future trends

JF CHARPENTIER, French Naval Academy

Tianhao Tang, Shanghai Maritime University


Traditional thermal propulsion chains have been the standard architectures for boats over the past 60 years. However from the 90’s, the present trends is to use electrical or hybrid solutions for ship power conversion and propulsion. Thanks to advances in electrical motor technology, power electronics components, and real time control, modern ships use massively electric propulsion in order to benefit of advantages of electric motor drives. Electrical propulsion allows to increase the reliability and the availability of the whole system, the global efficiency, the ship maneuverability, and the mechanical behavior of the ship. Electrical and hybrid naval solutions include variable speed high power machine and drive systems. These naval electrical drives have to fit to specific requirements related to this particular application. The proposed tutorial, after a brief overview of the naval propulsion context, will focus on power conversion systems for naval propulsion.


JF Charpentier received the M.Sc. (French Engineering Diploma) and PhD degree in electrical engineering from the ENSEEIHT, National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, Toulouse, France in 1993 and 1996 respectively. He obtained the "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches" degree in 2010. His PhD thesis subject was modelling the association between electrical machine and power electronics drive coupling electronic circuit calculation and 2D Finite Element electromagnetic field calculation. From 1996 to 1997 he was a post doctoral fellow at Laval University, Québec, Canada. In Québec, he worked on electrical machine and drive modelling and design and on optimization methods for the design of electrical devices.

From 1997 to 2002 he was an Assistant Professor at the University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Brest, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France. In University of Western Brittany, he worked on modelling and design of magneto-mechanical devices as for example magnetic coupling and bearing. He worked also on the design of unconventional electrical machines using iron powder soft magnetic composite (new generation of soft magnetic materials). Since 2002, he is an Associate Professor in the French Naval Academy (Institut de Recherche de l’Ecole Navale) in Brest, France. His current research topics include modelling and design aspects on electrical machines and drives for marine renewable energy and electrical naval systems. He is the author or the co-author of more than 40 articles in major electrical engineering international scientific journals and more than 60 communications in major international conferences and several book chapters. His experience includes expertise for research and industrial institutions and partnership with industrial firms (research contracts). Concerning the tutorial topic he early initiates, since 2003, new research activities on electrical naval propulsion systems in French Naval Academy. In collaboration with academics and industrial partners he contributes to imagine new solutions of design for these specific systems and to build specific models to predict their behavior and to improve their control in order to increase the efficiency and the reliability of these new converters.

Tianhao Tang received his Bachelor degree and Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai University of Technology in 1982 and 1987, and Ph.D. degree in Control Engineering from Shanghai University in 1998. Now he is the director of Electrical and Control Engineering Institute of Shanghai Maritime University, and the vice director of Sino-French Joint Research Institute on Galileo & Maritime ITS for Safer Seas. Also he is invited professor of Ecole Polytechnique de Nantes and Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France. He is Senior Member of IEEE and Chair of IEEE PELS Shanghai Chapter. Since 2001 to 2005 he was Member of Marine System Committee of International Federation Automatic Control (IFAC). Also he is the vice president of Chinese Power Supply Society and the president of Shanghai Power Supply Society.

In recent years, his research interests included control theory, power electronics and electric drive systems, intelligent methods and their applications in marine systems. He has been responsible for more than 20 research projects. Some of them were international cooperation supported by the Chinese and foreign governments. And more than 200 papers have been published in China or on abroad. His book on Ship Electric Propulsion Systems has been published in 2015. Owing to success in his researches, he received several the academic and education awards by the national and local government. He obtained the award: “au grade de Chevalier dans I’Ordre National des Palmes Academiques” from France in 2015.






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来源:CPSSQQ 中国电源学会





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