APCChE 2019 will be held in Sapporo, Japan 23 – 27 September

科技工作者之家 2018-10-11

Dear our colleagues and friends,

Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) congress is organized by one of the confederation member societies every two years.

The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) is happy to announce that the 18th APCChE Congress (APCChE 2019) will be held in Sapporo, Japan 23 – 27 September, 2019.

We are now preparing scientific sessions, student programs, exhibition, and networking activities so that the congress will be fruitful and enjoyable for you.

Sapporo is a nice and charming city, where you can enjoy shopping, dining and sight-seeing. The public transportation system allows you to go to the convention center or the central part of the city from your hotel very easily.

Please let us know any suggestions that can make the congress better.

We look forward to seeing many chemical engineers, allied scientists and students in Sapporo.


Professor Shuichi Yamamoto

APCChE 2019 chair (SCEJ) 
President APCChE

Conference Website: http://apcche2019.org/index.html


Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE)中文名称为“亚太化工联盟”,成立于1975年,其宗旨是促进亚太地区化学工程的全面发展。中国化工学会于2004年正式加入该组织,代表中国大陆成为其常务理事成员,例行参加其每年召开一次的理事会,并参与或主办每两年一届的亚太化工联盟大会(APCChE Congress)。



来源:CIESC1922 中国化工学会





中国化工学会 官网 关于 中文 名称 亚太化工联盟 亚太地区化学工程 1975年 2004年 例行
