
科技工作者之家 2019-07-25




三手烟指吸烟后环境中的残留物。图片来源:UCR/University Communications

由加州大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside)科学家领导的研究团队发现,三手烟会使呼吸系统上皮细胞处于氧化压力下,对细胞的生存造成损害。该发现或有助于医生治疗暴露于三手烟的患者。

这项研究的领导者,分子、细胞和系统生物学系教授普鲁·塔尔伯特(Prue Talbot)说:“我们的研究数据表明,人体细胞会受到三手烟的影响。此前已经有人在人工培养的细胞和动物模型中研究过三手烟对健康的影响,而本研究首次展示了三手烟对人类基因表达的直接影响。

研究结果发表在 JAMA Network Open 期刊上。

三手烟(thirdhand smoke,简称 THS),指当吸烟者呼出的烟雾以及从燃烧的香烟头中产生的烟雾在衣服、头发、家具和汽车内部等表面留下的痕迹。三手烟不局限于烟雾残留物,而是指吸烟产生的残留物。

乔凡娜·珀兹尤勒斯(Giovanna Pozuelos)是塔尔伯特实验室的研究生,也是这篇论文的第一作者。她说:“三手烟会重新回到空气中,被不吸烟者在非自愿的情况下吸入。但三手烟尚未得到广泛研究,这或许是尚未有明文规定防止三手烟危害的原因。”

在加州大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)的实验室里,研究人员让四名健康的非吸烟者暴露于三手烟环境中三小时,然后采集他们的鼻粘膜刮片,从中提取高质量的 RNA,通过 RNA 测序鉴定出过表达和低表达的基因。研究人员发现 382 个显著过表达的基因与 7 个低表达的基因,并确定了这些基因影响的细胞通路。

珀兹尤勒斯说:“健康的非吸烟者吸入三手烟仅仅三小时,鼻腔上皮细胞的基因表达就发生了显著变化。吸入的三手烟改变了与氧化应激相关的生物学通路,导致 DNA 损伤,长期而言将有可能引发癌症。虽然三小时几乎不可能致癌,但如果家里或车里有三手烟残留,长期、规律地暴露其中,就可能对健康产生不良影响。”





目前就职于斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的米纳克希·卡格达(Meenakshi Kagda),加州大学旧金山分校的苏珊娜·希克(Suzaynn Schick),加州大学河滨分校的托马斯·格克(Thomas Girke)和大卫·沃兹(David Volz)都参与了塔尔伯特和珀兹尤勒斯的这项研究。卡格达曾经是塔尔伯特实验室的博士后研究员。



【标题】Experimental Acute Exposure to Thirdhand Smoke and Changes in the Human Nasal Epithelial Transcriptome A Randomized Clinical Trial

【作者】Giovanna L. Pozuelos, MS; Meenakshi S. Kagda, PhD; Suzaynn Schick, PhD; Thomas Girke, PhD; David C. Volz, PhD; Prue Talbot, PhD




Importance  No previous studies have shown that acute inhalation of thirdhand smoke (THS) activates stress and survival pathways in the human nasal epithelium.

Objective  To evaluate gene expression in the nasal epithelium of nonsmoking women following acute inhalation of clean air and THS.

Design, Setting, and Participants  Nasal epithelium samples were obtained from participants in a randomized clinical trial (2011-2015) on the health effects of inhaled THS. In a crossover design, participants were exposed, head only, to THS and to conditioned, filtered air in a laboratory setting. The order of exposures was randomized and exposures were separated by at least 21 days. Ribonucleic acid was obtained from a subset of 4 healthy, nonsmoking women.

Exposures  By chance, women in the subset were randomized to receive clean air exposure first and THS exposure second. Exposures lasted 3 hours.

Main Outcomes and Measures  Differentially expressed genes were identified using RNA sequencing with a false-discovery rate less than 0.1.

Results  Participants were 4 healthy, nonsmoking women aged 27 to 49 years (mean [SD] age, 42 [10.2] years) with no chronic diseases. A total of 389 differentially expressed genes were identified in nasal epithelium exposed to THS, while only 2 genes, which were not studied further, were affected by clean air. Enriched gene ontology terms associated with stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion were identified, such as respiratory electron transport chain (q = 2.84 × 10−3) and mitochondrial inner membrane (q = 7.21 × 10−6). Reactome pathway analysis identified terms associated with upregulation of DNA repair mechanisms, such as nucleotide excision repair (q = 1.05 × 10−2). Enrichment analyses using ingenuity pathway analysis identified canonical pathways related to stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion (eg, increased oxidative phosphorylation) (P = .001), oxidative stress (eg, glutathione depletion phase II reactions) (P = .04), and cell survival (z score = 5.026).

Conclusions and Relevance  This study found that acute inhalation of THS caused cell stress that led to the activation of survival pathways. Some responses were consistent with stress-induced mitochondrial hyperfusion and similar to those demonstrated previously in vitro. These data may be valuable to physicians treating patients exposed to THS and may aid in formulating regulations for the remediation of THS-contaminated environments.

来源:keyanquan 科研圈





