
科技工作者之家 2021-04-13

4月2日,中南大学博士研究生张建(导师为胡春艳教授)在国际权威杂志《Science》上发表评论文章“Forging remote relationships”

该短评发表于《Science》杂志Letters板块的NextGen VOICES专栏,第一作者单位为中南大学。


据悉,该期Science杂志以“Forging remote relationships”为题,呼吁曾在该杂志上发表过文章的作者就研究人员如何更好地应对新实验室远程工作的挑战这一主题提供建议。张建同学在短评中指出,在新冠疫情导致的远程工作背景下,敢于主动寻求新实验室成员的帮助就能打开沟通的大门,进而有助于和他们建立更牢固的远程工作关系。该观点得到了NextGen VOICES专栏编委的认同。这也是我校公共管理学院博士生首次在《Science》杂志上发表评论文章。

Jian Zhang School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, 410075, China. Email: zhangjian3954@126.com

Do you get along well with anyone on the team in particular? I've managed big teams of people and noticed that someone who tries to connect with everyone tends not to make deep relationships with anyone. If you're on a big team, it can be overwhelming; if you're on a small team, it can seem like the group is already formed and has no place for you. I suggest that you pick just one person with whom you think you can connect. If you find someone who is willing to have one-to-one chats online, then you can build on that. If you two can find things to do together, others will want to join in. That way you can grow your connections. It may seem slow at first, but it will be worthwhile. Of course, picking someone who is going to be on the team for a while is a good idea, too, as people move on alarmingly quickly!






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