
科技工作者之家 2021-06-03

近年来,超导体中的拓扑相引起了学界的广泛关注。在拓扑超导体中,非平庸的无能隙边界态或零能边界态中存在超导准粒子,是马约拉纳费米子的一种表现形式。马约拉纳费米子遵从非阿贝尔交换统计规律,其能被用来构造高容错的量子计算机,在拓扑量子计算领域具有潜在的应用前景。然而,由于描述特定材料超导性质的Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG)哈密顿量中参数的不确定性,对潜在拓扑超导材料的第一性原理预测面临着巨大挑战。已有的第一性原理方法通常只能分析拓扑超导体产生的前提条件,如研究已知超导体常规状态下的Rashba分裂或拓扑性质,或者探讨具有拓扑性质的材料的超导电性,但实际上并没有直接分析超导准粒子的拓扑性质。因此,亟需发展能够准确预测和表征材料拓扑超导电性的第一性原理计算新方法。

来自美国犹他大学材料科学与工程系刘锋教授和清华大学高等研究院刘铮教授带领的,包括中国海洋大学、清华大学、山东大学和韩国Pohang大学在内的国际合作团队,利用用瓦尼尔函数为基矢构造能带结构,在考虑Rashba自旋轨道耦合、塞曼分裂和电子-声子耦合的情况下,构建了针对特定超导材料,即锰掺杂碲化锗单层材料(Ge1-xMnxTe)拓扑超导相的第一性原理相图。通过自洽求解基于BdG哈密顿量的BdG方程,作者既估算了超导临界转变温度和临界磁场强度,又通过计算拓扑不变量和手性马约拉纳边缘模式来表征了拓扑超导相。计算得到的相图表明,Ge1-xMnxTe的空穴浓度为~7.4×1013 cm-2时,单层GeTe在~120 mK以下变为超导体,Mn浓度为x~0.015%的Ge1-xMnxTe在~40 mK下是D类拓扑超导体,这可用其被非零的陈数和手性马约拉纳边缘模式表征。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 7: 44 (2021)。


Prediction of intrinsic topological superconductivity in Mn-doped GeTe monolayer from first-principles

Xiaoming Zhang, Kyung-Hwan Jin, Jiahao Mao, Mingwen Zhao, Zheng Liu* & Feng Liu*

The recent discovery of topological superconductors (TSCs) has sparked enormous interest. The realization of TSC requires a delicate tuning of multiple microscopic parameters, which remains a great challenge. Here, we develop a first-principles approach to quantify realistic conditions of TSC by solving self-consistently Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation based on a Wannier function construction of band structure, in presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling, Zeeman splitting and electron-phonon coupling. We further demonstrate the power of this method by predicting the Mn-doped GeTe (Ge1-xMnxTe) monolayer – a well-known dilute magnetic semiconductor showing superconductivity under hole doping – to be a Class D TSC with Chern number of -1 and chiral Majorana edge modes. By constructing a first-principles phase diagram in the parameter space of temperature and Mn concentration, we propose the TSC phase can be induced at a lower-limit transition temperature of ~40 mK and the Mn concentration of x~0.015%. Our approach can be generally applied to TSCs with a phonon-mediated pairing, providing useful guidance for future experiments.







超导体 拓扑 马约拉纳费米子
