Non-contact optical dynamic measurements at different ranges...

科技工作者之家 2021-08-22

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Fu, Y., Shang, Y., Hu, W. et al. Non-contact optical dynamic measurements at different ranges: a review. Acta Mech. Sin. 37, 537–553 (2021).

Non-contact optical dynamic measurements at different ranges: a review

Yu Fu, Yang Shang, Wenxin Hu, Bin Li, Qifeng Yu

Optical dynamic measurements are widely used for non-contact vibration, continuous deformation, or moving objects. Various measurement techniques were developed for different deformation amplitudes. This paper reviews three types of technique for different measurement ranges: interferometric techniques for deformation or vibration (nanometer to sub-millimeter amplitude) whose measurement accuracies rely on phase extraction of interferometric signal; imaging based techniques for deformation or vibration (micrometer to centimeter amplitude) with the aid of moiré, structured light, and man-made speckles, whose sensitivities is from 1/100 to 1/10 pixel; and videometrics for large deformation or movement detection (greater than centimeter amplitude). Many research groups have improved measurement capabilities for these three techniques to meet particular industrial application requirements.

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