
闫妍 2022-08-25

















 2022年6月18日  09:00-17:00 





The evolving face of misinformation in text, image, and video content

Prof. David Doermann, IEEE Fellow




Unfortunately, the computer vision community has created a technology that gets more bad press than good. In 2014, the first work on Generative Advesariloy networks (GANS) demonstrated technology that automatically generated very low resolutions of faces of people that never existed from a random latent distribution. Although the technology was impressive because it was automated, it was nowhere near as good as what could be done with a simple photo editor. Recently, both industry and government have become increasingly concerned about the real dangers of using "DeepFakes" technologies from security and misinformation perspectives. To this end, academia, industry, and the government needs to come together to apply technologies, develop policies that put pressure on service providers, and educate the public before we get to the point where "seeing is believing" is a thing of the past. This talk will cover some primary efforts in applying counter manipulation detection technology. I will discuss how we are extending existing technology to deal with the problems of detecting GAN-generated content and highlighting inconsistencies between the text, audio, image, and video content in heterogeneous media "assets".


Dr. David Doermann is a Professor of Empire Innovation and the Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Institute at the University at Buffalo (UB). He developed, selected, and oversaw research and transition funding in computer vision, human language technologies, and voice analytics. He and his group of researchers focus on many innovative topics related to the analysis and processing of document images and video, including triage, visual indexing and retrieval, enhancement, and recognition of visual media's textual and structural components. David has over 250 publications in conferences and journals, is a fellow of the IEEE and IAPR, has numerous awards, including an honorary doctorate from the University of Oulu, Finland, and is a founding Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition.


Model free distributed optimization

Prof. Martin Guay




In this presentation, we will explore the problem of distributed optimization in the absence of exact knowledge of the local costs. We consider a standard distributed optimization that enforces consensus on local decision variables. We will investigate a Newton consensus approach that implements a Newton step for the dual problem of the distributed optimization problem. The proposed technique yields a Newton step without the explicit need for the inversion of the Hessian matrix. While this problem is appealing it can be difficult to implement when the number of decision variables is large. We will explore some avenues of investigation that could prevent explosions in the local problems to reduce the limitation of local storage in complex environments.


Dr. Martin Guay is a full professor at Department of Chemical Engineering of Queen’s University, Canada. His research interests are in the area of process control, control theory and applied statistics. He is well known for both his research accomplishments and his service to the control community. He has over 300 peer-reviewed publications and peer-reviewed conference proceedings to his record with books published by Springer and IET publications. His primary research interest is in the field of control where he has made significant technical contributions both in control theory and process control. In 2011, he received the Best Paper Award (Theory), Journal of Process Control (2008-1011). Dr. Guay received Queen’s University Chancellor Research Award in 2006. In 2018, he was awarded the D.G. Fisher Award from the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers for his outstanding contribution to the Control and Systems division. Dr. Guay’s scholarly activities have been significant. Since 2002, he has served as Associate Editor for Automatica. He is also Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Process Control and Senior Editor for the IEEE Control Systems Society Letters.


Applications of deep-tech in environmental service

Prof. Danwei Wang, IEEE Fellow






王郸维,新加坡工程院院士,IEEE Fellow,德国洪堡Fellow 与2017上海科技一等奖获得者。现任新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电机工程学院教授. 1989年于美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校获博士学位。他现任IEEE/RSJ IROS 主编。他发表了5本英文专著,7个书中章节,9个专利和500多篇国际杂志和会议论文。王教授涉及的研究领域包括机器人和力控制,先进控制系统设计,智能系统,学习控制,移动机器人,移动机器人路径和轨迹控制,卫星编队飞行和故障容错姿态控制,复杂系统的故障诊断和预测,交通灯控制等方面。至2022年2月,王教授的论文被科学引文索引(SCI)引用次数超过8800次以及在谷歌学术数据库引用超过15000次。


Control for intelligent manufacturing-A multiscale challenge

Prof. Hanxiong Li, IEEE Fellow






李涵雄,1982 年于国防科大获学士学位,1991 年于荷兰代尔夫特(Delft)科技大学获硕士学位,1997 年于新西兰奥克兰(Auckland)大学获博士学位,现任教于香港城市大学。先后入选国家杰出青年基金(海外)获得者(2004),教育部长江学者(2006)和IEEE Fellow (2010)等。最近二十多年来一直从事智能制造方面的研究,侧重于工业过程的智能建模、设计与控制,和基于数据学习的智能决策。长期担任国际权威期刊IEEE Transactions on SMC (2002- 至今)的副主编和国内多个核心刊物的编委。出版系统建模和系统设计方面的英文专著2本;国家专利近20项;在国际权威学术期刊上发表SCI 论文250 多篇,h-index 为52 (web of science)。自2014以来一直被国际权威出版社Elsevier评为中国高被引学者。入选全球Top 1000 计算机科学家h指数(2020, 2021)。


Distributed consensus problems in intelligent energy systems

Prof. Xiaohua Xia, IEEE Fellow




Distributed consensus problems are abundant in intelligent energy systems such as provision of lighting, temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in office spaces, where human comfort, health and productive environment require uniformity of key livelihood indicators. In other systems such as battery energy storage systems, the balance of the state of charge is even more important in terms of safety and security. The advantage and implementation of distributed nature of the consensus are made possible by technical advances, and economic and computational requirements. This talk introduces three such cases where distributed consensus control and decision problems are posed with specific characteristics and with different level of sophistications. These are office lighting and direct expansion based air-conditioning climate control systems, and a battery energy storage system. The emphasis of the talk is to bring out the problem formulation, even though our application oriented solutions are also briefly shown.


Xiaohua Xia is a professor in the Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, director of the Centre of New Energy Systems, and the director of the National Hub for the Postgraduate Programme in Energy Efficiency and Demand-side Management. He was academically affiliated with the University of Stuttgart, Germany, the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, and the National University of Singapore before joining the University of Pretoria in 1998. Prof. Xia is a fellow of the Institute for Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), a fellow of the South African Academy of Engineering (SAAE), and a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). He has an A rating from the South African National Research Foundation (NRF). Prof Xia is a registered professional engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa. He establishes Onga Energy, and consults extensively for the industry. He is a certified measurement and verification professional, and leads the measurement and verification team of the University of Pretoria. He served as the chair of the Technical Committee of Non-linear Systems of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). He has been an associate editor of Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, specialist editor (control) of the SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vice editor in chief of Acta Automatica Sinica, and the editorial board member of Applied Energy, Advances in Applied Energy and Annual Review in Control. His research interests are control systems and automation, and more recently, the modelling, optimization and control of energy systems.


Cyber-secure performance degradation monitoring and

recovery of automatic control systems

Prof. Steven Ding




It is state of the art that today’s automatic control systems in large-scale industrial processes should meet demands for high system performance and reliability. To this end, considerable research efforts have been devoted to the development of advanced performance degradation monitoring and recovering methods. The rapid development of cloud computing offers Software as a Service (SaaS) that enables online implementation of capable but complex performance degradation monitoring and recovering algorithms. A critical issue surrounding SaaS is data privacy and cyber- security. In this talk, a short introduction is given to (i) some advanced performance degradation monitoring and recovering methods, (ii) critical cyber-security issues of SaaS-based performance degradation monitoring and recovery in automatic control systems, and (iii) a control-theoretically oriented solution.


Prof. Steven X. Ding 1992年于德国杜伊斯堡大学获博士学位,1995年被德国University of Applied Science Lausitz 聘为终身教授,并于1998-2000年任该校副校长。2001年受聘于杜伊斯堡-埃森大学为控制工程教授,任自动控制及复杂系统所所长。自2001年起,Prof Steven X. Ding在欧盟第五、第六和第七框架项目(EC research framework programmes)担任协调者及组织者。Prof  Steven X. Ding与德国汽车和新能源工业界有着长期的紧密合作。

