Geomorphological risk in Sasca Montană (Banat Mountains, Nera Gorge-Beușnița National Park, Romania)

Alexandra CIOCLU
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania
The area proposed for the study is part of the Nera Gorge-Beușnița National Park and focuses on the areas with great tourist attraction within Sasca Montană. Although relatively small, the area is full of invaluable natural and cultural values. The aim of the study is to analyze geomorphological risk, especially to collapses. The analyzed parameters are slopes, aspect, geology and land use. The methodology to derive Geomorphological risk is based on GIS techniques and the results we obtained point out that the study area is a region where parameters such as geomorphological risk have small incidence. This fact is due to the large homogeneous areas from the standpoint of geology and land cover, but also as an effect of large surfaces with a planar aspect as karstic plateaus. From the analysis we conclude what Sasca Montană represents a space with small surfaces which are prone to risks associated with geomorphological process due to the large areas where vegetation is present and also due to large plateaus where the primary processes are related to karstification.
Analele Asociatiei Profesionale a Geografilor din Romania
Professional Association of Romanian Geographers