Evaluation of weekend tourism perception in the adjacent area of Bucharest

Alexandra CIOCLU , Bianca-Ilinca CĂLIN
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania , National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest, Romania
This study aimed to analyse the perception of tourists who access the area near Bucharest city at the weekend. For the elaborated of the study, the method of the questionnaire was used, which was completed by 116 peope and date were analysed with SPSS software. The items of the questionnaire concerned aspects related to the frequency of accessing the area, the time spent, the activities carried out, the means of transport used and the quality of the accommodation, public alimentation and leisure services. The study area covers a wide range of tourist attractions, from favorable elements of natural environment (waters and forests) and natural heritage (protected natural areas) to a diverse cultural heritage and many options for leisure activities. The results show that the most accessed areas are those that have natural and anthropic tourist resources and the tourist services are at the level of tourists' expectations. The findings provide a basis for improving the area's tourism management strategies and for coming up with offers that are in line with the expectations of potential tourism demand.
Analele Asociatiei Profesionale a Geografilor din Romania
Professional Association of Romanian Geographers