量子计算软硬件研究的一些新进展 | 本周物理学讲座

科技工作者之家 2018-12-20







2Axion and hidden photon dark matter detection with multilayer optical haloscopes

报告人:Junwu Huang,The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics




In this talk, I will discuss a theoretical proposal for a new class of detectors for dark photon and axion dark matter at frequencies from the infrared through the ultraviolet based on dielectric haloscopes and high precision and efficiency single photon detectors, as well as some recent experimental progress.

A well-motivated class of dark matter candidates including axions and dark photons takes the form of  coherent oscillations of a light bosonic field. If the dark matter couples to Standard Model states it may be possible to detect it via absorptions in a laboratory target. Current experiments of this kind include cavity-based resonators that convert bosonic dark matter to electromagnetic fields operating at microwave frequencies. In periodic photonic materials, bosonic dark matter can efficiently convert to detectable single photons. With feasible experimental techniques, these detectors can probe significant new parameter space for axion and dark photon dark matter in the 0.1-10 eV mass range.

3Langevin QMC algorithm for strongly interacting electron-phonon systems ——The phase diagram of two-dimensional model with long range interactions

报告人:G. G. Batrouni,University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis



I present a quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for electron-phonon systems based on the Langevin equation. I discuss systematic errors due to discretization of Langevin time, autocorrelation, and the 
discretization of imaginary time (Trotter-Suzuki). I will also discuss and implement Fourier acceleration to speed up convergence. I show that the execution time scales almost linearly with system size and demonstrate that, in the case of the Holstein model, the results are in excellent agreement with determinant QMC (which has cubic dependence on system size). We then use this algorithm to show, for the first time, the phase diagram of the strongly interacting electron-phonon system in two dimensions with long range interactions. 

4Extragalactic Cosmic Accelerators Through the Eyes of Ground-Based Gamma-Ray Telescopes

报告人:Qi Feng,Columbia University




Some of the fastest and most energetic flares from active galactic nuclei (AGN) have been observed by ground-based gamma-ray telescope arrays, like the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS). These flares provide strong constraints on the size and Doppler factor of the emitting regions in highly relativistic AGN jets. However, it is not an easy task to pinpoint the location of gamma-ray emitting region because of the limited angular resolution of the instruments. Multiwavelength observations contemporaneous to the gamma-ray flares make this task possible. We present recent results from the VERITAS AGN observation program, highlighting long-term and short-term variabilities of blazars with multiwavelength and multimessenger observations. We also show the progress of the prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, as well as novel gamma-ray data analysis techniques using machine learning.

5Terahertz Spectroscopy of Quantum Spin Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnets

报告人: Zhe Wang,Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany 




Quantum states in low-dimensional spin systems are characterized by their characteristic spin dynamics. In this seminar, I will talk about our recent works on terahertz spectroscopy of quantum spin dynamics in low-dimensional quantum magnets, such as quantum spin dimer, quantum spin chain, and two-dimensional frustrated magnet. I will briefly introduce how spin excitations in a spin system could be probed and magnetic interactions be determined by terahertz spectroscopy. The main focus of the seminar will be on dynamics of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising antiferromagnetic chain for longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields. In addition to the well-known low-energy spin dynamics, I will show that high-energy excitations, such as confined spinons and Bethe strings, are realized in the spin chain system for a longitudinal field. Moreover, in a transverse field, our study of spin dynamics allowed us to identify a quantum critical point of the transverse-field Ising-chain. The experimental results are very well compared to theoretical calculations, as the spin chain model is exactly solvable. In addition, spin dynamics in α-RuCl3, a candidate for realizing quantum spin liquid, will be discussed.







7Conducting Oxide Interfaces: New Opportunities for Electronics and Electrocatalysts

报告人:Yunzhong Chen,Technical University of Denmark




The recent progress in the epitaxial growth of complex oxide thin films with precise control on atomic scale has provided us unforeseen opportunity to design heterostructures with on-demand functionalities. Herein, I will discuss our recent discoveries of metallic interfaces or two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) at the interface between two insulating complex oxides, such as gamma-Al2O3 (GAO) epitaxially grown on SrTiO3 (STO) [1,2] as well as the large enhancement of the interfacial electron mobility [3, 4] and quantum Hall effect [5] at modulation-doped oxide interfaces.  Perspectives on oxide electronics [6] as well as oxide heterointerfaces for superior electrocatalysts will be also discussed. 

8Changing-look Quasars: Discoveries and Challenges

报告人: Xuebing Wu,Peking University




The discovery of changing-look (CL) AGNs, with the appearance or disappearance of broad Balmer emission lines in the UV/optical spectra within a few years, challenges our understanding of the AGN unification model. We present a sample of 21 new CL AGNs at redshifts between 0.08 and 0.60, which doubles the number of such objects known to date. These new CL AGNs were discovered by several ways, from (1) repeat spectra in the SDSS, (2) repeat spectra in the LAMOST and SDSS, and (3) photometric variability and new spectroscopic observations. The continuum flux in the optical and mid-infrared becomes brighter when the CL AGNs turn on. The optical and mid-infrared variability is not consistent with the scenario of variable obscuration in 10 CL AGNs at more than 3-sigma confidence level. We confirm a bluer-when-brighter trend in the optical. However, the mid-infrared WISE colors W1 - W2 become redder when the objects become brighter in the W1 band, possibly due to a stronger hot dust contribution in the W2 band when the AGN activity becomes stronger. The physical mechanism of type transition in CL AGNs is still unknown, but preferred to be related to the accretion rate change in the inner part of accretion disks around super massive black holes.






人们很早就认识到每个光子能够携带线动量,然而直到1992年,Allen 等人才发现具有角向相位分布的光波携带有轨道角动量。在2012年,英国布里斯托大学、美国阿尔卡特-朗讯公司的贝尔实验室联合美国加州大学戴维斯分校以及我的研究小组几乎是同时开展了集成型光学轨道角动量器件的探索性研究工作。

10Superanomalous skin effect for surface plasmon-polaritons

报告人:Sufei Shi



地点:Conference Room 6620, ITP new building

It is commonly assumed that surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) excitations on a metal-dielectric interface decay exponentially inside the metallic sample. Here we show that at high frequency and wave vector the SPP field decays much slower, being inversely proportional to the distance to the interface modified by an additional logarithmic factor. This dependence differs from the standard anomalous skin effect where field decays as (1/z)^2. We provisionally referred to it as “superanomalous”. Its origin is the non-locality and the logarithmic singularity of the dielectric permittivity in metals. This type of decay is pronounced for SPP modes of higher frequencies, but is suppressed for red – infrared light range. 

11Data Oriented GRB Research and the Gravitational Wave GRBs

报告人:Binbin Zhang,Nanjing University



地点:KIAA-PKU Auditorium

In this talk, I will briefly discuss our recent data oriented research works in GRB field. I will first review our fully automatic GRB data analyzing system. I will then talk several case studies that directly utilized the results from our system. In particular, I will focus on prompt emission data of the gravitational wave GRB 170817A and discuss our current understanding of this first NS-NS merger event,  including its event rates, ejecta topology, radiation mechanism and what can learn from the 1.7 s time delay between the GRB and the gravitational signal. 

12Lectures on solvable irrelevant deformations of 2d quantum field theories

报告人:Yunfeng Jiang,CERN



地点:ITP New Building 6620

The main topic of these three lectures is on recent developments in solvable irrelevant deformations of 2d quantum field theories. In the first lecture, I will introduce the T-Tbar deformation of 2d QFT. Special emphasis will be put on the deformed Lagrangian and the exact solvability of the spectrum. In the second lecture, I will focus on the torus partition sum of the T-Tbar/J-Tbar deformed CFTs and modular invariance/covariance. In the third lecture, I will present different perspectives on the T-Tbar deformation including the relations to random geometry, Jackiw-Teitelbolm gravity and holography.








1. 一幅图读懂量子力学(下)

2. 真空不空| 涂涛 郭光灿

3. 吾爱吾师及真理——大师间的师生情 | 周末大家谈

4. 为纪念物理大师费曼百年诞辰而作 | 赵凯华

5. 纪念费曼 | 姬扬

6. 关于统计力学的基本原理 | 郑伟谋

7. 物理英才‖曹则贤带你解析大自然的花样

8. 超导“小时代”之三十七:超导之从鱼到渔

9. 科学的一生——怀念父亲程开甲 | 程漱玉

10. 量子十问之二:“爱因斯坦幽灵”能用来实现超光速通信吗?| 郭光灿


来源:cpsjournals 中国物理学会期刊网





