
科技工作者之家 2019-11-05


原标题:常用抗抑郁药物舍曲林可有效缓解焦虑症状|The Lancet Psychiatry




来源 伦敦大学学院

翻译 页一

审校 戚译引

一项由伦敦大学学院(University College London)领导的临床试验发现,最常见抗抑郁药之一的舍曲林(sertraline)能快速缓解常见于抑郁症的焦虑症状,而它要再过好几周才能对抑郁症状有所改善。

这篇文章发表在《柳叶刀•精神病学》(The Lancet Psychiatry)杂志上。该研究由英国国家卫生研究所(National Institute for Health Research,NIHR)资助,是迄今为止规模最大的、非制药产业资助的抗抑郁药安慰剂对照试验。


在 6 周内,舍曲林看起来没有改善抑郁症状,包括情绪低落、乐趣丧失和注意力不集中。有微弱的证据表明舍曲林可在服药 12 周时减轻抑郁症状。


研究人员表示,他们的发现支持一直以来使用舍曲林和其它类似抗抑郁药物对有抑郁症状的患者的治疗。该研究的第一作者,伦敦大学学院精神病学的杰玛·刘易斯(Gemma Lewis)博士说:“可能是服用该药的人感觉不那么焦虑了,所以他们总体感觉更好,即使他们的抑郁症状的改善并没有那么大。”


舍曲林是一种选择性5 -羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI),这是最常见的一类抗抑郁药物。

这项研究是在全科医生处进行的,包括了来自英格兰地区的 653 名患者,年龄在 18 岁至 74 岁之间,在过去两年里有任何程度或持续时间的抑郁症状。在所有病例中,是否开具抗抑郁药都存在临床不确定性。



这项研究中仅过半数(54%)的被试者符合常用的来自世界卫生组织(WHO)的抑郁症诊断标准,另外 46% 符合广泛性焦虑障碍的标准(其中 30% 的人同时符合这两种症状的标准,15% 的人有混合性焦虑和抑郁障碍,还有 15% 不符合诊断标准,但仍有症状)。


一半的被试者服用舍曲林 12 周,而另一半被随机分配到对照组,服用安慰剂 12 周。试验 6 周后,研究人员没有发现抑郁症状有临床意义的减轻迹象,而 6 周是试验的主要结果(选择这个主要结果是为了与之前的研究一致,之前的研究测量了 6 周或 8 周后的症状改善情况)。

有强有力的证据表明舍曲林减轻了广泛性焦虑障碍的症状,自服药 6 周至 12 周间持续改善,并由此提高了与心理健康相关的生活质量。




该研究的资深作者、伦敦大学学院精神病学系主任格林·刘易斯(Glyn Lewis)教授说:“我们的研究支持目前抗抑郁药的使用,并发现舍曲林对那些可能在初级保健中接受抗抑郁药物治疗的人是有效的。只是它们产生的作用与我们预期的不同。”




【标题】The clinical effectiveness of sertraline in primary care and the role of depression severity and duration (PANDA): a pragmatic, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial

【作者】Gemma Lewis PhD, Larisa Duffy BSc, Anthony Ades PhD, Rebekah Amos BSc, Ricardo Araya Prof, Sally Brabyn MSc, Katherine S Button PhD, Rachel Churchill Prof, Catherine Derrick BSc, Christopher Dowrick Prof, Simon Gilbody Prof, Christopher Fawsitt PhD, William Hollingworth PhD, Vivien Jones BA, Tony Kendrick Prof, David Kessler Prof, Daphne Kounali PhD, Naila Khan PhD, Paul Lanham BA, Jodi Pervin BSc, Tim J Peters Prof, Derek Riozzie, George Salaminios MSc, Laura Thomas MSc, Nicky J Welton Prof, Nicola Wiles PhD, Rebecca Woodhouse MSc, Glyn Lewis Prof


【期刊】Lancet Psychiatry



【摘要】Background Depression is usually managed in primary care, but most antidepressant trials are of patients from secondary care mental health services, with eligibility criteria based>

Methods The PANDA study was a pragmatic, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial of patients from 179 primary care surgeries in four UK cities (Bristol, Liverpool, London, and York). We included patients aged 18 to 74 years who had depressive symptoms of any severity or duration in the past 2 years, where there was clinical uncertainty about the benefit of an antidepressant. This strategy was designed to improve the generalisability of our sample to current use of antidepressants within primary care. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) with a remote computer-generated code to sertraline or placebo, and were stratified by severity, duration, and site with random block length. Patients received>

Findings Between Jan 1, 2015, and Aug 31, 2017, we recruited and randomly assigned 655 patients—326 (50%) to sertraline and 329 (50%) to placebo. Two patients in the sertraline group did not complete a substantial proportion of the baseline assessment and were excluded, leaving 653 patients in total. Due to attrition, primary outcome analyses were of 550 patients (266 in the sertraline group and 284 in the placebo group; 85% follow-up that did not differ by treatment allocation). We found no evidence that sertraline led to a clinically meaningful reduction in depressive symptoms at 6 weeks. The mean 6-week PHQ-9 score was 7·98 (SD 5·63) in the sertraline group and 8·76 (5·86) in the placebo group (adjusted proportional difference 0·95, 95% CI 0·85–1·07; p=0·41). However, for secondary outcomes, we found evidence that sertraline led to reduced anxiety symptoms, better mental (but not physical) healthrelated quality of life, and self-reported improvements in mental health. We observed weak evidence that depressive symptoms were reduced by sertraline at 12 weeks. We recorded seven adverse events—four for sertraline and three for placebo, and adverse events did not differ by treatment allocation. Three adverse events were classified as serious—two in the sertraline group and>

Interpretation Sertraline is unlikely to reduce depressive symptoms within 6 weeks in primary care but we observed improvements in anxiety, quality of life, and self-rated mental health, which are likely to be clinically important. Our findings support the prescription of SSRI antidepressants in a wider group of participants than previously thought, including those with mild to moderate symptoms who do not meet diagnostic criteria for depression or generalized anxiety disorder.

来源:keyanquan 科研圈





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