Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Journal to Inform and Improve Practice

ISSN: 2049-4181(Online)2040-0993(Print)
语种: EN
出版商: University of Huddersfield Press
学科: Special aspects of education

Tedder, Michael ,Lawy, Robert

Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Journal to Inform and Improve Practice 2010;2(2):45-55 DOI 10.5920/till.2010.2245

Alex Brown ,Judy Hunter

Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Journal to Inform and Improve Practice 2018;8(2) DOI 10.5920/till.535

Thurston, Diane

Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Journal to Inform and Improve Practice 2010;2(1):47-55 DOI 10.5920/till.2010.2147

Hulin, Pat ,Lahiff, Ann ,Moss, Wendy

Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Journal to Inform and Improve Practice 2009;1(2):14-23 DOI 10.5920/till.2009.1214

Lebor, Merv

Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Journal to Inform and Improve Practice 2013;4(2):14-23 DOI 10.5920/till.2013.4214
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