Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography

ISSN: 1600-0870(Online)
语种: EN
出版商: Stockholm University Press
学科: Oceanography,Meteorology. Climatology

V. Blažica ,N. Žagar ,B. Strajnar ,J. Cedilnik

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2013;65(0):1-15 DOI 10.3402/tellusa.v65i0.18918

Martin P. King ,Javier García-Serrano

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2016;68(0):1-7 DOI 10.3402/tellusa.v68.28580

A.M. Fowler

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2019;71(1) DOI 10.1080/16000870.2019.1634937

Spencer Lunderman ,Matthias Morzfeld ,Derek J. Posselt

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2021;73(1):1-16 DOI 10.1080/16000870.2021.1924952

Yuya Baba

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2023;75(1) DOI 10.16993/tellusa.1147

José M. R. Alves ,Pedro M. A. Miranda

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2013;65(0):1-12 DOI 10.3402/tellusa.v65i0.19245

D. Handorf ,K. Dethloff ,R. Jaiser ,J. Cohen ,A. Rinke

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2012;64(0):1-11 DOI 10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.11595

Roland P. H. Berton

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2023;75(1):231–270-231–270 DOI 10.16993/tellusa.3227

Suzana J. Camargo ,Adam H. Sobel ,Anthony D. Delgenio ,Jeffrey A. Jonas ,Maxwell Kelley ,Yun Lu ,Daniel A. Shaevitz ,Naomi Henderson

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2016;68(0):1-21 DOI 10.3402/tellusa.v68.31494

Jian Song ,Yu Ying Yang

Tellus: Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 2023;75(1) DOI 10.16993/tellusa.28
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