
科技工作者之家 2018-12-19




Abstract: An acoustic emission technique is used to study the failure behavior of CFRP bolted joints with different geometric sizes under static load, and the relationship between the damage behavior of the joint and the acoustic emission signal under different geometric is compared. The acoustic emission (AE) technology was used to collect and convert the AE in the process of structural damage, and the relationship between the amplitude, entropy curve and Andrews curve and the failure behavior was analyzed by combining the load-displacement curve of CFRP bolted and the macro / meso damage morphology. The results show that the load-displacement curves of bearing and shear failure specimens show obvious plastic characteristics. When the specimen was failure in bearing and shear, the AE is the medium amplitude signal, and a small number of high amplitude signals are accompanied. The medium amplitude signal occurs when the tensile damage was happen. According to the characteristics of entropy curve, the failure process of CFRP joint is divided into four stages, and the failure modes such as fiber fracture and delamination occur at the stage of damage evolution, and the failure is dominated by delamination failure in the stage of structural failure. Based on the Andrews curve analysis, a variety of damage types are found in the failure evolution stage of the bearing and tensile failure modes, and many types of damage will appear in the failure stage of the shear failure mode.

Keywords: Acoustic emission; composite; bolted joint; failure; tensile

作者:唐玉玲等,天津科技大学 机械工程学院 天津市轻工与食品工程机械装备集成设计与在线监控重点试验室  天津

通讯作者:周振功,哈尔滨工业大学 复合材料与结构研究所  哈尔滨


来源:CSCM_OFFICE 中国复合材料学会





