npj: Bi2MnSe4—预测Weyl半金属相和反铁磁拓扑绝缘体相

科技工作者之家 2019-04-09


自十年前发现时间反演不变(Z2)拓扑绝缘体以来,由于科学内涵和潜在的应用前景,人们对拓扑凝聚态体系的探索兴趣大大增加。尽管如此,找到具有多相组成的强大材料,特别是那些具有时间反演对称性(TRS)破缺相的材料,仍然具有极高的挑战性。比如,Chern绝缘体是具有量子反常霍尔效应的二维绝缘体,最初由Haldane于1988年证明,但直到最近才在实验室中合成出来。目前基于磁掺杂拓扑绝缘体的量子反常霍尔材料仅存在于极低温度(~1 K)下,但这一限制却不是无法打破的,人们仍怀着极大的兴趣在寻找有更大带隙和更高磁序温度的Chern绝缘体。

来自美国国家标准与技术研究所材料测量实验室的Sugata Chowdhury教授等,使用密度泛函理论和基于Wannier的紧束缚模型研究了Bi2MSe4(BMS,M=Pb,Mn)的电子性质,并预测了一系列拓扑非平凡相。他们之前通过分子束外延生长法获得了具有化学计量组成的Bi2MSe4磁系统薄膜,并发现在外延生长期间引入元素Mn后会形成纯Bi2Se3的层间Bi2MSe4层。在本研究中,他们重点探讨了这种晶体结构的拓扑性质。发现由于Z点处的自旋轨道诱导的能带反转,Bi2MSe4成为时间反演不变拓扑绝缘体。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 33 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。


Prediction of Weyl semimetal and antiferromagnetic topological insulator phases in Bi2MnSe4

Sugata Chowdhury, Kevin F. Garrity & Francesca Tavazza 

Three-dimensional materials with strong spin–orbit coupling and magnetic interactions represent an opportunity to realize a variety of rare and potentially useful topological phases with broken time-reversal symmetry. In this work, we use first principles calculations to show that the recently synthesized material Bi2MnSe4 displays a combination of spin–orbit-induced band inversion, also observed in non-magnetic topological insulator Bi2PbSe4, with magnetic interactions, leading to several topological phases. In bulk form, the ferromagnetic phase of Bi2MnSe4 has symmetry protected band crossings at the Fermi level, leading to either a nodal line or Weyl semimetal, depending on the direction of the spins. Due to the combination of time reversal symmetry plus a partial translation, the ground state layered antiferromagnetic phase is instead an antiferromagnetic topological insulator. The surface of this phase intrinsically breaks time-reversal symmetry, allowing the observation of the half-integer quantum anomalous Hall effect. Furthermore, we show that in thin film form, for sufficiently thick slabs, Bi2MnSe4 becomes a Chern insulator with a band gap of up to 58 meV. This combination of properties in a stoichiometric magnetic material makes Bi2MnSe4 an excellent candidate for displaying robust topological behavior.


来源:zhishexueshuquan 知社学术圈





